Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Gore and Glory

‘Take’, my belayer gave me a bemused look;
‘Take’, crossly, the blood was dribbling down my leg and she would not like it when it started to drip on her.  I had just knocked a small scab off my knee, the scab stuck out at 90 degrees hanging on by a thread, a group of climbers clustered around to watch the gore with glee as I pulled it off. How can such a little cut make so much blood, it even dripped on my new Primes (oops).  Blue paper towels were used to mop up the mess and sticky plasters applied, the photo is three sticky plasters later – it just kept bleeding like blackcurrant jam!

The little pesky scab was from when I bashed my knee at Ratho in the Scottish Lead and Speed Climbing Championship. I had a good day doing both events, (speed for fun), as soon as I had finished climbing my final lead route I was straight on my final speed route – and that’s when I dinged the knee, it was quite insignificant then.  I came away with 1st in the Lead and 3rd in the Speed. So a pretty good result.

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